Gay sailing cruises for groups

On this page you find an overview of our organised gay sailing cruises for groups. These cruises can be individually booked by single travellers, couples and small groups of friends. The 'dress code' information for each cruise shows if it is a clothing optional or nude cruise. If you want us to organise your own dream sailing holiday anywhere in the world, you can check our tailor-made sailing cruise information.


Our offer

Since sailing is our passion, we want to keep our sailing cruises affordable and therefore offer you the best prices! What you see is what you pay without any additional booking fees. If you select one of the cruises below, the next page with all cruise details explains what is included and not included in the price. For private tailor-made gay yacht charters, we apply a 5% discount on the net yacht rental price as offered by the yacht charter company.

Nude gay gays relax during sailing cruise

Gay sailing cruise Greece | Ionian islands | Lefkas | 1-8 JUN 24

This sailing cruise will take you around the beautiful and protected islands of the Ionian sea. We'll visit a few villages but mostly spend nights in bays. Short summary of this cruise:

  • 8 days sailing cruise (7 nights on board)
  • 'Dress code' : gay nude sailing
  • Highlights and possible places to visit:
    • Skorpios (former 'Onassis island')
    • Ithaca (known from Homerus the poet)
    • Fiskardo on Kefalonia
    • Lots of bays
  • Type of cruise: Tailor-made cruise
  • Yacht type: 5-cabin 46 ft monohull




Gay sailing cruise Greece | Ionian islands | Lefkas | 15-22 JUN 24

This sailing cruise will take you around the beautiful and protected islands of the Ionian sea. We'll visit a few villages but mostly spend nights in bays. Short summary of this cruise:

  • 8 days sailing cruise (7 nights on board)
  • 'Dress code' : gay nude sailing
  • Highlights and possible places to visit:
    • Skorpios (former 'Onassis island')
    • Ithaca (known from Homerus the poet)
    • Fiskardo on Kefalonia
    • Lots of bays
  • Type of cruise: Group cruise
  • Yacht type: 5-cabin 46 ft monohull




Note: New cruises may be planned around the end of this year. Stay tuned and thanks for checking us out!